Email, web
and everything

We build seamless end-to-end marketing strategies using automation platforms that deliver results.
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 Marketing Automation

We make reaching your customers easy by optimizing your organization’s capabilities, audiences, and content into a personalized cross-channel strategy. Our team will work along side yours to ensure the results you’re looking for are not only reached, but exceeded.

Digital Strategy

Digital marketing tactics are becoming increasingly diverse, that’s where we can help. We’ll create a comprehensive digital strategy that helps you navigate and implement tactics that can benefit your business strategy and drive results.

Customer Mapping

Whether you’re aiming to convert, onboard or up-sell, each interaction is important when it comes to the customer experience. We’ll create a strategy to ensure that your channels and content are driving the greatest value for the end user and you.

Revenue Optimization

We know that revenue is always top of mind, and our team is committed to helping you achieve your revenue goals. Whether you need to fine-tune your processes, uncover new revenue opportunities, or boost your client acquisition tactics, we're here to help.

The Portage Labs team brings expertise in marketing technology, customer lifecycle strategy, and marketing automation. They provide great value for our team and are constantly pushing boundaries to help achieve results.

Kelly-Ann M.
Group Marketing Manager, Intuit Canada

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